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Multiple addresses for mail attribute

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\uc1\pard\plain\deftab360 \f0\fs20 Hello,\par
First:  I'm a newbie...\par
With that out in the open:\par
I've finally been successful in setting up a stand-alone ldap server on a linux box, have made several entries to the database, and clients can connect just fine.\par
The tool I use to create and edit entries is "ldp.exe", which is actually something that ships with the Windows 2000 Server Beta 3 Resource Kit, and is intended for use with Microsoft's Active Directory, but seems to work just fine with the OpenLDAP server.\par
My question is this:  I have an entry of objectclass "list", dn: cn=GroupMailList, ou=Group, ou=Staff, o=Organization, c=US.  This entry has a mail attribute, and I'd like to give it multiple addresses to read as a single value, i.e. "grouplead@organization.org; groupmember1@organization.org; groupmember2@orgnaization.org; etc."  The problem is that when I give the mail attribute multiple addrsses separated by semicolons, and a user sends mail to GroupMailList, mail only goes to the first entry.  When I separate the addresses with any other means, the SMTP transport provider complains about not understanding the syntax:\par
The SMTP Transport service failed to deliver the message to all of the recipients to server mail.organization.org for the following reason: 553 <UNEXPECTED_DATA_AFTER_ADDRESS@.SYNTAX-ERROR.>... Invalid host name\par
Is there an escape character I can use before the semicolon that will stop the addresses from being read as separate values?  I want to use the semicolons to separate the addresses so that the SMTP transport provider will understand, but I also want the addresses to be interpreted as a single value, not as many values.\par
Thanks for your help\par
Jeremy Jones\par
Appalacian Center for Economic Networks\par
94 Columbus Rd.\par
Athens, OH 45701\par
phone: (740) 592-3854\par
fax: (740) 593-5451\par