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Re: Schema, multiply attributes, objectclass top, mail

On 08-Jan-99 David E. Storey wrote:
> "Allan M. Wind" wrote:
>> Anyone aware of a pop3 or imap server that interfaces with LDAP for
>> authentication - perhaps via PAM?  From what I understand PAM will not
>> support NT authentication, is there any other interface that I should
>> consider supporting instead/also?  I have read the devel threads and
>> still need to follow up on the links, but if someone could point me in
>> the right direction, it would make my life easier.
> WU-IMAP ftp://ftp.cac.washington.edu/mail/
> Their lastest beta releases support PAM.  I've been using
> PAM+LDAP+QMAIL+WU-IMAP for at least a month or two now and it all works
> pretty well.

Qmail has some patches to use ldap all the way, including deliveries, and has a
pop3 server.

PAM can autenticate to a NT box. We do it. In our intranet, people FTP
documents to a internal web site (a linux box) and they autenticate with the
login/password from the NT domain.

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