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Netscape directory search setting ?


I search for someone's directory entry using Netscape 4.05 (Edit->Search
Directory).  However, I encountered 2 problems :

1. search and displayed fields other than default ones (Name, Email, 
   Organization, Phone Number, City) cannot not be used or displayed. I wonder 
   if it's possible to configure them.
2. international characters (e.g. Chinese) can't be displayed in the search
   result page (double click on entries found in a query).

Would anyone please help ?  

Thank you very much !


S.T. Wong                           | Email: st-wong@cuhk.edu.hk
Computer Services Centre            | 
The Chinese University of Hong Kong | Tel. No: (852) 2609 8874
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong             | Fax  No: (852) 2603 5001