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(ITS#6963) test050: test failed - server 1 and server 2 configs differ

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test050 occasionally fails...

$ ./run -l 100 -b bdb test050
Cleaning up test run directory from this run.
Running 19 of 100 iterations
running defines.sh
Initializing server configurations...
Starting server 1 on TCP/IP port 9011...
Using ldapsearch to check that server 1 is running...
Inserting syncprov overlay on server 1...
Starting server 2 on TCP/IP port 9012...
Using ldapsearch to check that server 2 is running...
Configuring syncrepl on server 2...
Starting server 3 on TCP/IP port 9013...
Using ldapsearch to check that server 3 is running...
Configuring syncrepl on server 3...
Starting server 4 on TCP/IP port 9014...
Using ldapsearch to check that server 4 is running...
Configuring syncrepl on server 4...
Adding schema and databases on server 1...
Using ldapadd to populate server 1...
Waiting 15 seconds for syncrepl to receive changes...
Using ldapsearch to read config from server 1...
Using ldapsearch to read config from server 2...
Using ldapsearch to read config from server 3...
Using ldapsearch to read config from server 4...
Comparing retrieved configs from server 1 and server 2...
test failed - server 1 and server 2 configs differ