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Re: slave slapd crashes on MOD by slurpd (ITS#2527)

>> >
>> >
>> FYI we applied this patch in our production environment a few days
>> after it came out in March.
>> Up till now no problems have been reported. It's deployed on at least
>> 12 slaves managing about 70k entries with a daily update of about 15k
>> (adds, mods and deletes).
> Is this the patch from ITS#2348?  As far as I can see it _is_ included
> in the 2.1.20 and probably also the four or five releases previous to
> that, even though I don't see any mention of it in the CHANGES file.

Yes, it is in 2.1; it is not in 2.0, yet, because
it is the major fix that was back-ported, and there
will be no more 2.0 releases unless this patch is
reported to fix any problem still open in 2.0.

> Peopler might still want the ldbm backend, for example if for any reason
> they prefer GDBM with a more stable ABI and API over Berkeley DB.
> I haven't heard any complaints from our customer after this patch and it
> was very bad before.  Number of entries more than 100000.

Thanks for the feedback; however, I assume you are
referring to 2.1, so 2.0 is still an open issue.
Luca was referring to 2.0, so his feedback is valuable.


Pierangelo Masarati