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Problems with modrdn (ITS#1379)

Full_Name: Rob McMahon
Version: 2.0.14
OS: Solaris 7
Submission from: (NULL) (

I've got a database of University members in an OpenLDAP 2.0.14 installation.
The DNs are of the form
	employeenumber=42,ou=People,o=University of Warwick,c=GB
When people leave, rather than deleting the entries I'd like to move them to
another container, say
	employeenumber=42,ou=exPeople,o=University of Warwick,c=GB
So I'm doing (perl-speak, sorry, but it should be clear).
	$bind->moddn($direntry, newrdn => "employeeNumber=42",
				deleteoldrdn => 0,
				newsuperior => "ou=exPeople,o=University of Warwick,c=GB");
So far so good.  This works fine on the master.

Slurping it across to the slaves is not so good, though.  Every change is
rejected with

ERROR: Already exists
replica: slave:0
time: 1001408395.0
dn: employeeNumber=42, ou=People, o=University of Warwick, c=GB
changetype: modrdn
newrdn: employeeNumber=42
deleteoldrdn: 0
newsuperior: ou=exPeople,o=University of Warwick,c=GB

Out of interest, I tried changing deleteoldrdn to 1 in the reject file and
re-submitting it (thinking well, yes, employeeNumber=42 does exist if it tried
that bit of the rename first).  The slave slapd got stuck in a tight loop, and
had to be killed unpleasantly (i.e. a simple `kill' didn't work).

I'm not entirely convinced I'm not just doing something wrong, but I've had zero
responses from the software list.