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Prototype for access_allowed() in proto-slap.h (ITS#560)

Full_Name: Christian Lorenz
Version: 2.0-devel
OS: linux-2.2.14
URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/
Submission from: (NULL) (

The mentioned prototype is defined as follows
(pkg/ldap/servers/slapd/proto-slap.h,v 1.158):

LIBSLAPD_F (int) access_allowed LDAP_P((
    Backend *be, Connection *conn, Operation *op,
    Entry *e, AttributeDescription *desc, struct berval *val,
    slap_access_t access ));
LIBSLAPD_F (int) access_allowed LDAP_P((
    Backend *be, Connection *conn, Operation *op,
    Entry *e, const char *attr, struct berval *val,
    slap_access_t access ));

but the '#if' has to be an '#ifdef'!

Have fun!