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Re: [ldapext] UTF-8 full support in LDIF / LDIF v2

Yves Dorfsman wrote:
> Looking back (way back) at this thread, I am not the only one seeing
> value here:
> Michael Ströder wrote:
>>>> I'm not convinced that removing the ASCII restrictions will be a good
>>>>  thing.  Not only do I doubt it will have a net positive on
>>>> displayability of LDIF for those who have a displayability goal (I
>>>> don't this goal), I think it will have a net negative impact on
>>>> interoperability and user confusion, such as when the user creates a
>>>> file using one Unicode normalization algorithm, but is trying to set
>>>> values which require a different Unicode normalization value.
>>> How so ? In the current version, you have to encode your Unicode to
>>> UTF-8, and then encode it again to base64. With my proposal, you would
>>> get the exact same UTF-8 strings as you do today, but they would not be
>>> (or would not have to be) encoded in base64.
>> I agree with Yves here.

Hmm, I agreed on SASL normalization not being an issue.
But you skipped my strong disagreement about your LDIF diffing use-case.

Excerpt from

> Michael Ströder wrote:
>> Yves Dorfsman wrote:
>>> Kurt Zeilenga wrote:
>>>> Adding UTF-8 support does appear to be in support of improving LDIF as
>>>> a proper interchange format.  It seems to be driven by other goals,
>>>> such as trying to make LDIF files displayable.   
>>> Yes and no. My main reason for pushing this is diffing. You run into a
>>> problem and you want to diff the original and the problematic LDIF
>>> export of your directory.
>> Sorry, but this is a very bad use-case. Given the fact that there are
>> decent LDIF modules for various programming languages you can implement
>> a robust delta-generation of LDIF data. Doing that with line-oriented
>> text tools is bad practice anyway!

Ciao, Michael.
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