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[ldapext] new version of LDIF: charset vs. UTF-8

Hallvard B Furuseth wrote:
Yves Dorfsman wrote:
Hmmm... I think the IBM server already has such an extension. With
utf-8 finally getting some traction, is there really any point to spend
any energy for other charset ?

I've no opinion, really. UTF-8 has been "just about to take over the world" for a decade now. Maybe it's finally happening, but I'm not holding my breath. So as far as I'm concerned it'd be nice to have, but low priority.

What would be nice to have, UTF-8 properly implemented, or the charset attribute ?

Yes, I do believe the world is moving to Unicode, and that pretty much everybody is using UTF-8 for it. Any new install of MS Windows and all the Linux distro I know of are installed by default in Unicode/UTF-8. Web browsers and mail clients support it, web pages are getting written in UTF-8 (http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2008/05/moving-to-unicode-51.html)

If anything, rather than a charset attribute, I'd rather see an encoding one for people who do use UTF-16 etc... (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8#Disadvantages_3).But again, this is not really trivial, so I see this as out of scope for this change.

What would the other charsets offer that utf-8 cannot, I mean beyond
not having to convert ?

Well, support for other applications than LDAPv3, since LDAPv3 will require the LDIF parser to charset-convert to UTF-8. But if such a thing
would need non-UTF-8 support it would likely have it now anyway.



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