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Re: [ldapext] groupOfEntries object class proposal

Andrew Findlay wrote:
On Tue, Sep 18, 2007 at 09:03:25AM +1000, Luke Howard wrote:

Another thing that would be useful might be to define the behaviour of nested groups, eg. should the client expand them?

A good point, but I would be wary of being too prescriptive here. Some servers provide an auxiliary object class that causes the groups to expanded server-side: that would continue to work with groupOfEntries (though there is a management issue with anything that triggers server-side tricks). Whether a *client* should expand groups will depend on why the client wants the group info in the first place, and I don't think it is necessary to force the issue one way or the other.

It might be worth adding a statement that makes it clear that
a groupOfEntries can have members of *any* type, so nested groups are
explicitly possible. The precise semantics should be defined by the
application schema designer.
Yes this sound very good to me (+1).
It would make sense to use this object class for rfc2307bis too (whenever that is completed :-))

Maybe so, but rfc2307bis is a much more complex issue!
Yes but work on finishing that would really help a lot. @Luke: please find some time for that, you will help the whole LDAP world, even more than you already did with RFC2307. I am sure a new draft from you will revive discussion and eventually lead to consensus.





Peter Gietz (CEO)
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