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Re: [ldapext] Dynamic group draft

Jaimon Jose wrote:
thanks for the comments.  I couldn't locate any documents on openldap
implementation of dynamic group.  Appreciate if you can forward any
reference to this.

We've always referred users to the original Netscape documentation, since that's where our definitions came from. But for the purposes of slapd access control, we've always allowed groups to use arbitrary schema. See our slapd.access( 5 ) manpage. Basically, our syntax is
access to foo
by group[/objectclass[/attributename]] = <groupDN> ...

The defaults are groupOfNames and member, but you can use any object with any attribute that uses DN or nameAndOptionalUid syntax. This covers the static group support.

For a dynamic group, the same config syntax applies, but the objectclass and attributename obviously must be provided explicitly. The trigger for dynamic group behavior is that the specified attribute must be a subtype of labeledURI. This requirement is also spelled out in the slapd.access( 5 ) manpage.

Ideally I would have said "the specified attribute has URI syntax" but obviously there is no such syntax in the base LDAP specification. (Though I believe there ought to be. One of the great strengths of X.500/ASN.1 is the self-describing nature of data; defining everything as IA5string or some other generic string syntax as LDAP has traditionally done totally neuters the system. But that's a different conversation...)

The original Netscape memberURL definition just uses IA5string syntax, but the dyngroup.schema file that we provide with OpenLDAP defines it as a subtype of labeledURI so that it will work with our ACL engine.

Re-reading this draft prompted me to revisit some other aspects of our implementation, which makes me think it's even more necessary to define new schema elements and abandon the current Netscape definitions. I.e., the Netscape definition was broken from day one; it is inherently impossible for a LDAPv3-compliant server to implement both their published definition and their deployed usage, only one or the other can actually be supported. I've documented this problem here:

Howard Chu wrote:
Why did you feel it was necessary to define a new "memberQueryURL"
attribute that is essentially identical in meaning to memberURL?
One reason is the extensibility of the attribute value. As I remember,
memberURL can only contain a base, scope and the search filter. The
searches are limited to the same LDAP server. memberQueryURL attribute
can contain an additional x-chain extension. LDAP server will chain the
request in a distributed environment if this extension is present.

Since you're only talking about x-chain as an extension field in a URL, and such a field could appear legally in any URL, I don't think this is a problem or a compelling reason. However, for the reasons I alluded to above, I believe we do need a new attribute, and it should be a subtype of labeledURI.

There are some obvious errors in this document, you list the
uniqueMember attribute with OID inheriting from
distinguishedName, but is actually the owner attribute.
uniqueMember is and cannot inherit from distinguishedName
since it is of NameAndOptionalUUID syntax, not distinguishedName syntax.
Thanks for pointing this out. I will correct them.
There's a lack of symmetry here - "excludedMember" is used for both
member and uniqueMember but it shouldn't be since the two syntaxes are
not the same. You need an excludedUniqueMember attribute to provide
the relevant functionality.
excludedMember is a list of DNs that need to be excluded from the
returned result set. This disparity was caused because the original
implementation returned both dynamic and static member list as
"member". However, do you really see a need for two attributes?

Frankly I've never seen anybody using uniqueMember for its intended purpose. But it seems to me that if you are using uniqueMember, with a syntax of nameAndOptionalUID, then your set of exclusions must also use nameAndOptionalUID syntax.

But now that I think of it, evaluating the URL will perform a search which can only return actual DNs, so perhaps just a single exclusion attribute of DN syntax is fine. But that raises the question of whether defining a dynamic version of this group is actually a safe or valid thing to do. Only the static uniqueMember attributes will actually have the "unique" semantics. If anybody was actually relying on the DN uniqueness characteristic here, they would be in for disappointment at least, but most likely a security breach. IMO use of dynamic behavior with groupOfUniqueNames should be prohibited for these reasons.

 -- Howard Chu
 Chief Architect, Symas Corp.  http://www.symas.com
 Director, Highland Sun        http://highlandsun.com/hyc
 Chief Architect, OpenLDAP     http://www.openldap.org/project/

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