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Re: [ldapext] features-05 comments

Kurt D. Zeilenga writes:
> I hope that this TS will be incorporated into the revised LDAP
> TS being produced by the LDAPBIS WG.  If they do so, any known
> issues should be addressed during that work.  Otherwise,
> I will address them in some future update of RFC 3674.

If you mean further discussion should wait, this will be my last
message until then.

>At 12:07 PM 12/20/2003, Hallvard B Furuseth wrote:
>>> 2. Discovery of supported features
>>>   A client may examine the values of this attribute to
>>>   determine if a particular feature is supported by the server.  A
>>>   client MUST ignore values it doesn't recognize as they refer to
>>>   elective features it doesn't implement.
>>What's the point of the last sentence?  What else could the client do
>>with a feature it doesn't know about?
> Not ignore the unrecognized feature.  That is, fail to continue
> processing due to presence of a unrecognized value in
> 'supportedFeatures'.

Sounds like you are saying 'the client may instead be ridiculously
stupid'.  I don't think a MUST is needed to prevent that, or even that
it's any of our business if the client does this:-)


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