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Re: [ldapext] CLDAPv3

Active Directory does use CLDAPv3, so I think it is worth documenting; 
it is on my todo list.

Like RFC 1798, multiple LDAP messages are returned in a single PDU;
however, AD does not wrap these in an ASN.1 sequence, but instead
return them back-to-back.

-- Luke

>From: Thorild Selen <thorild@Update.UU.SE>
>Subject: [ldapext] CLDAPv3
>To: ldapext@ietf.org
>Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 18:22:47 +0100
>I've noticed that the web page for ldapext working group mentions that
>the group will define connectionless LDAPv3; this is however not
>mentioned among the Goals and Milestones on the page, nor can I find
>anything about it anywhere, so I'm getting curious; is someone working
>on this, and in that case, how is it going; and if the project has
>been abandoned, why?
>It may be that CLDAP hasn't ever been much used, but to me, stressing
>the "Lightweight" in "LDAP", it seems quite useful for applications
>that just need to do very simple lookups now and then. So, what's
>happened to CLDAP?
>Thorild Selén
>Datorföreningen Update / Update Computer Club, Uppsala, SE
>Ldapext mailing list

Luke Howard | PADL Software Pty Ltd | www.padl.com
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