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Re: [ldapext] VLV: absolute position of the list (negative offsets revisited)

> An application which offers a paged interface to the use
> can use this feature to offer direct navigation to the
> Nth page (from the head of the list) even where the
> current content count is unknown (or unstable)

Note that it is a non-goal of VLV to implement
the feature set of the simple paged results control,
or to implement paging. It's designed to implement
scrolling list views.

> Just as useful would be support direct navigation to the
> Nth to Last Page even where the current content count is
> unknown (or unstable).

Just as useful as something which was only presumed ?

> Currently to select the Nth to Last Page, the client has
> to reverse the list order, obtain the Nth Page, and reverse
> the entries in the page.  This is expensive.

Please supply an example of where this is useful.

> The positive (head) and negative (tail) offsets are a common
> approach used in GUI list view widgets.  Since VLV's design
> is based upon the list view metaphor, I think it natural to
> modify VLV to support both positive and negative offsets.

Is this the time to be changing the prototol ? (we're in third last call, no
I think that any big change like this belongs in some VLV2 protocol.
Or can you suggest a way to achieve what you want but retain
compatibility with the folks who took the time to participate in the
standards process and develop interoperable implementations ?

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