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Re: java api bind() methods

At 08:44 AM 4/4/01 -0700, Rob Weltman wrote:
>> During an in-progress SASL multiple-step bind operation, what
>> happens with one attempt to issue other operations upon the
>> same session (via a clone of the connection)?
>  Nothing. When a clone begins a bind operation, it is dissociated from its siblings.

That seems counter to section 4.6.6.  >>>emphasis added<<<
   The clone can freely modify options and search constraints, and issue 
   requests, without affecting the source object or other clones. If the 
   clone disconnects or reconnects, it is completely dissociated from 
   the source object and other clones. >>>Reauthenticating in a clone, 
   however, is a global operation which will affect the source object 
   and all associated clones, because it applies to the single shared 
   physical connection. Any request by an associated object after one 
   has reauthenticated will carry the new identity.<<<

>  The fact that in LDAP the supported mechanisms are published outside of an authentication session can and should be used by a Java LDAP API implementation to conserve bandwidth (i.e. not attempt to authenticate with a mechanism not supported by the server) but it doesn't affect the ultimate selection of mechanisms because that is defined by the site configuration of the client and that of the server. The proposed Java LDAP API still allows a client to limit the acceptable mechanisms to a subset of the site-configured ones.

There are still cases, such as the existence of some
a priori agreement or belief a man-in-the-middle has
deleted a particular server supported mechanism, were
the client wants to mandate a specific mechanism which
is not listed by the server.  There is also the more
common case where the client just wishes to avoid an
unnecessary (to a particular application) discovery
