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Re: DN->DNS mapping in draft-ietf-ldapext-locate-05.txt

I've run across the need to do exactly what is mentioned below (although the
acutal implementation is slightly different)...the ability to use
dc=customer,dc=com,o=customers,dc=mycompany,dc=com becomes very powerful when
managing/maintaining lots of customer DNS RRs.

That being said though, as an SP we are not managing DNS RRs that way but
instead doing something like fqdnATTR=customer.com,o=customers,
dc=mycompany,dc=com.  Although this probably isn't quite as scalable as 
grouping domains based on their gTLD, it became a tossup between scalability 
and buisiness requirements/ease of use.

I would like to see a common DN structure defined which would allow easier
interoperability with other DITs...however I can also see where this 
could potentially limit companies with different business models from being
able to use this structure (and therefore lose the ease of integration).
I therefore think it should be kept as loose as possible even though the
integration point could be lost.

Just my $0.02.


Kurt D. Zeilenga wrote:

> Just thought of another issue....  dc has uses outside of
> the naming of the context prefix.  I believe some applications
> create 'domain' and others (using dc names) entries under an
> ou to manage DNS RR.  In particular, in service provider
> environments where a provider using dc=example,dc=com as their
> naming context, might have a container
>   ou=domains,ou=consumer,ou=customers,dc=example,dc=com
> and desiring to add entries under this:
>   dc=consumer,dc=com,ou=domains,ou=consumer,ou=customers,dc=example,dc=com
> to manage the DNS RR for that consumer.  The existing DN to
> domain mapping would produce "example.com", the new mapping
> would produce "consumer.com.example.com".
> Defining a "loose" DN to domain mapping might limit other uses
> of 'dc'.  It might be appropriate for those who are engaged in
> service provider forums could look into whether the mapping
> change would have a significant impact upon their current use
> of 'dc'.
> Kurt

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	Be deranged, and they will make you their leader." --Titus