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Re: Unbind and related questions (WG last call on the Java API)

"Kurt D. Zeilenga" wrote:
> >> How are valid but unrecognized by the API PDU handled?
> >
> >  Do you mean unsolicited messages?
> no.
> >Or responses to client requests that are valid but not recognized?
> yes.
> >If the latter, could you give an example of a response to a client request that is valid but not recognized?
> A request that would solicit extendedPartialResponses.  The
> extendedPartialResponse would not be recognized by the API,
> but could be handled by an application (or an extension to
> the API) if the API had some means to pass these thru.

  Which RFC or other standards document defines extendedPartialResponse? I see it in draft-zeilenga-ldapv3bis-rfc2251-00.txt, but that is a draft, not a standards document. I don't think it would be correct to predicate the proposed Java LDAP RFC on a draft, or to speculate on future changes to RFC 2251. An API for accessing LDAP should be based on the current LDAP protocol standards. I think that means that all unrecognized PDUs received from a server should be treated the same, i.e. cause the client to be disconnected with an exception.
