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Updated Result Code for LDAP Controls draft - draft-armijo-ldap-control-error-01.txt

Here is the updated version of the LDAP Control error draft.

Please review and comment on the updated draft.  I would like to pursue
this being progressed as a PS ASAP so we can move forward on the VLV

INTERNET-DRAFT                                         Michael P. Armijo
<draft-armijo-ldap-control-error-01.txt>           Microsoft Corporation       
February, 2001                                                  
Expires: August, 2001                           
               Result Code for LDAP Controls

Status of this Memo

   This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
   all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
   other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet- Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at

   Distribution of this memo is unlimited.  It is filed as <draft-
   armijo-ldap-control-error-01.txt>, and expires on August 5, 2001.  
   Please send comments to the author.


   The purpose of this document is to create a new result code specific 
   to LDAP controls and to define guidelines for the use of this 
   result code.

1. Background and Intended Usage

   LDAPv3 [1] allows for the extension of the protocol through the use 
   of controls.  These controls allow existing operations to be 
   enhanced to provide additional functionality for directory 
   operations.  Complex controls are being established that are 
   bringing up error conditions not anticipated in the LDAPv3 

   This document provides a result code that can be used to signify
   a control specific error.

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   RFC 2119 [2].

2. The LDAP Control Result Code

   The LDAPResult construct as defined in section 4.1.10 of 
   RFC 2251 [1] includes a list of valid result codes.  The LDAPResult
   construct is repeated here for readability:

   LDAPResult ::= SEQUENCE {
                resultCode      ENUMERATED {
                             success                      (0),
                             operationsError              (1),
                             protocolError                (2),
                             timeLimitExceeded            (3),
                             sizeLimitExceeded            (4),
                             compareFalse                 (5),
                             compareTrue                  (6),

                             authMethodNotSupported       (7),
                             strongAuthRequired           (8),
                                        -- 9 reserved --
                             referral                     (10),  -- new
                             adminLimitExceeded           (11),  -- new
                             unavailableCriticalExtension (12),  -- new
                             confidentialityRequired      (13),  -- new
                             saslBindInProgress           (14),  -- new
                             noSuchAttribute              (16),
                             undefinedAttributeType       (17),
                             inappropriateMatching        (18),
                             constraintViolation          (19),
                             attributeOrValueExists       (20),
                             invalidAttributeSyntax       (21),
                                        -- 22-31 unused --
                             noSuchObject                 (32),
                             aliasProblem                 (33),
                             invalidDNSyntax              (34),
                             -- 35 reserved for undefined isLeaf --
                             aliasDereferencingProblem    (36),
                                        -- 37-47 unused --
                             inappropriateAuthentication  (48),
                             invalidCredentials           (49),
                             insufficientAccessRights     (50),
                             busy                         (51),
                             unavailable                  (52),
                             unwillingToPerform           (53),
                             loopDetect                   (54),
                                        -- 55-63 unused --
                             namingViolation              (64),
                             objectClassViolation         (65),
                             notAllowedOnNonLeaf          (66),
                             notAllowedOnRDN              (67),
                             entryAlreadyExists           (68),
                             objectClassModsProhibited    (69),
                                        -- 70 reserved for CLDAP --
                             affectsMultipleDSAs          (71), -- new
                                        -- 72-79 unused --
                             other                        (80) },
                             -- 81-90 reserved for APIs --
                matchedDN       LDAPDN,
                errorMessage    LDAPString,
                referral        [3] Referral OPTIONAL }


   This document adds another valid result code, controlError(x).


3. Use of the LDAP Control Result Code
   The controlError result code can be returned when an operation 
   has failed due to an error caused by an attached control.  The
   controlError SHOULD NOT be used to represent any condition that 
   can be defined using any existing result code in RFC 2251.

   The controlError MUST be defined in any control specification that
   makes use of the result code.  The scenario of when the controlError 
   result code may be returned and the exact behavior of the client 
   with particular controls MUST be defined in any control 
   specification that refers to this result code.

   The controlError result code MAY be defined in control 
   specifications to signify that the client should parse an embedded 
   result code for additional control specific results.

4. Security Considerations

   This document defines an extension to RFC 2251 [1] and has the same 
   security issues.  See the security considerations section in [1] for 
   more details.

5. References

   [1]  Wahl, M., Howes, T. and S. Kille, "Lightweight Directory Access
        Protocol(v3)", RFC 2251, December 1997.

   [2]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement 
        Levels", RFC 2119, March 1997

6. Authors Address

   Michael P. Armijo
   One Microsoft Way
   Redmond, WA 98052

   Expires August, 2001