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The Magic Pill Over35 Newsletter


I'm asked every day if there's a 'magic' pill out there?something that'll help shed that 
excess fat tissue and keep it off for good. What if I told you that there is something 
that's free, readily available, safe, without side-effects, and just may be the most 
effective fat loss substance anywhere? 

What is this mystery substance? This magic pill that you've been waiting for? Well, it 
isn't a pill at all. It's good old water. That's right, pure H2O.

Water is without a doubt one of the most underrated and yet dramatically effective 
keys to weight loss and, in particular, body fat reduction. There's absolutely no 
denying that drinking a lot of pure, clean water (8-12 glasses per day) will help you 
get and stay LEAN.

Let me make it perfectly clear here that we're talking about plain water . . . not soda 
(which is loaded with sugar; even diet soda is full of salt and chemical sweeteners), 
not coffee, tea, juice, blah, blah, blah. None of these count. Just WATER.

Why is water such an effective fat loss aide? There are several important factors:

--Water seems to act as a natural appetite suppressant. In fact, people on diets who 
do not increase their water intake will find themselves feeling 'hungry' much more 
often and more severely than those who do up their water consumption. One possible 
reason for this is that dieters are getting less water from their food, because they're 
eating less food, so the body is actually craving fluid. These cravings can be 
significantly curbed with increased water intake.

--Consuming enough water allows the kidneys to function optimally. This in turn 
enables the liver to become more efficient at metabolizing fat. The result is an 
increased fat burning capacity in the liver.

--When the body doesn't get sufficient amounts of water, it'll metabolically shift in a 
defensive and protective strategy to 'preserve' what it has. This can only result in a 
negative slowdown of bodily functions and processes. Incidentally, something similar 
happens when you cut fat completely out of your diet: the body compensates by 
holding on to as much of its fat stores as possible, thus defeating the purpose. This is 
why I recommend a nutrition program rich in 'good' fats which promote metabolism.

In addition to fat loss, drinking adequate amounts of water also has numerous other 
biological and physical benefits. Maintaining healthy and vibrant appearing skin is an 
example of one such added benefit.
Bottom Line: drinking sufficient amounts of pure water should be the first step in any 
serious fat reduction program.

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www.Over35.net  website?!  Go check it out and then email your picture and story!)

Over 35 Health Newsletter    12-06-2000
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