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Re: Relationship between dupent and matched values

Though the two drafts aren't related in such a way that one depends on the other, there were iterations of the dupent draft that caused a functional overlap with the matched values draft. That overlap has since been removed, and it was thought handy to point out the way in which both controls could be used to produce a given result.
For now, I think I'll leave the note out.

>>> Bruce Greenblatt <bgreenblatt@directory-applications.com> 10/31/00 5:06:59 PM >>>
At 03:20 PM 10/31/2000, Jim Sermersheim wrote:
I'm wrapping up the final edits for a new version of the duplicate entries draft and I was going to add a comment about the usefulness of pairing it with the matched values draft. I'm hesitating now, only because I'd like to see this draft get to RFC status soon and so I don't want to reference a draft that isn't scheduled to be immediately advanced.
Does anyone have strong feelings about this? We could put the note in the matched values draft.

IMHO, the two drafts have nothing to do with each other.  Duplicate entries deals with entries as a whole.  Matched values (vainly) attempts to solve an attribute-value level problem.  Definitely do NOT tie one to the other!


Bruce Greenblatt, Ph. D.
Directory Tools and Application Services, Inc.
See my new Book on Internet Directories: http://www.phptr.com/ptrbooks/ptr_0139744525.html