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Matched values: valuesReturnFilter string representation

Section 5 says:
 The string representation of the valuesReturnFilter in the examples 
 below uses the notation defined in RFC 2254 [11].

However, as a valuesReturnFilter is a sequence of simple
filters, the string representation of valuesReturnFilter is
actually more like:

	valuesReturnFilter = "(" 1*simplefilter ")"
	simplefilter = "(" item ")"

where item is as defined by RFC2254.  I suggest the string
representation should be specified in the I-D.

Using the above BNF, all of the single item valueReturnFilter
presented in the examples need to be wrapped by another set of
parens, e.g:  ((attributeTypes=

One could define a BNF that for sequences of 1 simplefilter
the outer parens were eliminated.  However, having the
outer parens distinguishes valueReturnFilters from
