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Updated version of EntrySelection draft

Iam attaching an updated version of the "EntrySelection control for LDAP operations on multiple entries", which I had submitted earlier. This draft incorporates the suggestions given by Kurt on this list earlier. Please go through this and give me your inputs.
Thanks and Regards,
INTERNET-DRAFT                                    Haripriya S., Novell
                                                          25 August 2000
Expiry: February 25 2001                                

		      EntrySelection control for
	LDAP modify and delete operations on multiple entries

1. Status of this Memo

    This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
    all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.

    Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
    Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that
    other groups may also distribute working documents as

    Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
    months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other
    documents at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-
    Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work
    in progress."

      The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

      The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at

    This Internet Draft expires February 25, 2001.

2. Abstract
    This document defines an LDAPv3 control that can select multiple
    entries in a subtree of a container entry for modification or
    deletion.  This control extends the scope of the LDAPv3 modify and
    delete operations as defined in [RFC 2251]. This control is useful
    for modifying or deleting multiple entries on the basis of a
    single selection criterion.  This may be useful for maintenance of
    an LDAP directory having a large number of objects.
    Example of Usage - This control can be used by client applications
    who have the need to modify or delete a large number of entries in
    an LDAP directory based on a selection criterion. One example of
    such a usage is when two departments in an organization merge. In
    this case the "department" name or number given to a number of
    employees need to change, and all the employees in a given
    department are to be assigned the new "department". Here the
    EntrySelection control can be used to select the entries to be
    modified based on the "department" value, and the modify operation
    can change the "department" value for all the selected entries to
    the given value.
    The EntrySelection control is useful when a large number of

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		      EntrySelection control for
       LDAP modify and delete on multiple entries, August 2000

    entries have to be modified or deleted, because what can be
    achieved in 1 LDAP client operation with the EntrySelection
    control will take a minimum of 1 + n LDAP operations (1 search, n
    modifies) otherwise.  This will save a lot of time and bandwidth,
    and hence very useful in situations where the clients are
    connected over high latency links. Also low-end clients which
    cannot handle a large number of objects, can use this feature.
    This also prevents cache pollution or false caching, where a large
    number of search results are returned only to be immediately
    modified or deleted, thus invalidating cached information for
    those results.
3. RFC Key Words
    The key words   "MUST",  "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED",  "SHALL",  "SHALL
    in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
4. EntrySelection request control
    A multi-entry modify or delete operation can be thought of as a
    combination of a search operation followed by modify or delete
    operation. The search operation in this case is used to select the
    entries for modification or deletion.
    For the purpose of selecting entries, an entry selection control
    is added. This control will be similar to a search request. The
    ControlType is <To Be Done>, the Criticality field may be TRUE or
    FALSE, and the controlValue is EntrySelection which is encoded as
    per the following syntax:
    EntrySelection ::= SEQUENCE {
        entryscope   [0] scope OPTIONAL, -- Scope for the operation
        derefAliases [1] aliases OPTIONAL, -- aliases

        timeLimit    [2] INTEGER  (0 .. maxInt) OPTIONAL, 
                                                -- for the selection --
        optimeLimit  [3] INTEGER (0 .. maxInt) OPTIONAL,
                                                -- for the operation --
        continueOnError [4] BOOLEAN OPTIONAL DEFAULT FALSE,
                                                -- for the operation --
        filter       [5] Filter OPTIONAL

      scope :: = ENUMERATED {
          baseObject  (0),
          singleLevel  (1),
          wholeSubtree  (2) 
      aliases ::= ENUMERATED {
          neverDerefAliases  (0),
          derefInSearching        (1),

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                      EntrySelection control for
       LDAP modify and delete on multiple entries, August 2000

          derefFindingBaseObj     (2),
          derefAlways    (3) 

      The following definitions are the same as the corresponding
    definitions in [RFC 2251] 4.5.1.  They are just repeated here for
      Filter ::= CHOICE {
        and             [0] SET of Filter,
        or              [1] SET of Filter,
        not             [2] Filter,
        equalityMatch   [3] AttributeValueAssertion,
        subStrings      [4] SubstringFilter,
        greaterOrEqual  [5] AttributeValueAssertion,
        lessOrEqual     [6] AttributeValueAssertion,
        present         [7] AttributeDescription,
        approxMatch     [8] AttributeValueAssertion,
        extensibleMatch [9] MatchingRuleAssertion 
      SubstringFilter ::= SEQUENCE {
        type        AttributeDescription,
        -- at least one must be present
        substrings  SEQUENCE OF CHOICE {
          initial  [0]  LDAPString,
          any      [1]  LDAPString,
          final    [2]  LDAPString  
      MatchingRuleAssertion  ::= SEQUENCE {
        matchingRule  [1]  MatchingRuleOd OPTIONAL,
        type          [2]  AttributeDescription OPTIONAL,
        matchValue    [3]  AssertionValue,
        dnAttributes  [4]  BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE 
    entryScope: This field specifies the scope of the operation. It
    can be baseObject, oneLevel, or wholeSubTree. The field is
    OPTIONAL, and if not sent, the default scope of the operation will
    be baseObject, which is similar to the scope of a normal modify or
    delete operation.

    derefAliases: This field specified whether to dereference alias
    while selecting. This is also an OPTIONAL field, and if absent,
    the default is neverDerefAliases.

    filter: This field is similar to a search filter. It is OPTIONAL,
    and if absent, the control selects all entries, that are allowed
    by the scope and the other fields in the control.

    timeLimit: This OPTIONAL INTEGER field specifies the time limit

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    in seconds, for the entry selection for the base operation. If the
    field is absent or 0, then no limit is assumed.
    optimeLimit: Similar to timeLimit but for the entire operation.
    Again, if this field is absent or 0, then no limit is assumed.

    continueOnError: This OPTIONAL BOOLEAN field is used by the client
    to indicate to the server whether to continue or stop the whole
    operation, if it encounters an error while performing the
    operation on one of the entries selected. The default value is
    FALSE and the corresponding behaviour is to stop the operation on

    The control is used to select the entries that are to be modified
    or deleted as per the LDAP request message that this attaches
    to. This control SHOULD only be used with an LDAP Modify or Delete
    request message. The server SHOULD ignore the control if used with
    any other message unless the criticality field is set to TRUE. If
    the criticality field is set to TRUE, then the server SHOULD return
    the resultCode unavailableCriticalExtension ( RFC 2251 Section
    4.1.12 ). The server MUST list this control as recognized in the
    supportedControl attribute in the root DSE.

5. Response messages
    The server upon request of an LDAP modify or delete request with
    an EntrySelection control in it can return the following
    responses: EntrySelectionPartialResponse, any other LDAP extended
    response (could be due to another control in the opertion
    requiring an extended response), or an LDAPResponse
    (ModifyResponse or DeleteResponse). For a non-abandoned operation,
    the server MUST return zero or more EntrySelectionPartialResponse,
    zero or more of any other extended response, and one
    ModifyResponse or DeleteResponse message. The ModifyResponse or
    DeleteResponse SHOULD be returned at the end after all other
    extended responses have been returned for the operation.

    The ModifyResponse or DeleteResponse will return the overall
    result for the whole operation on multiple entries, which MAY
    also contain some error codes for specifying the result of the
    entry selection operation, in addition to the error codes usually
    returned by a Modify or Delete operation. These error codes
    include timeLimitExceeded(2), adminLimitExceeded(11),
    undefinedAttributeType(17) and inappropriateMatching(18).

5.1 EntrySelectionPartialResponse extended partial response

    The EntrySelectionPartialResponse is sent to return partial
    results, as the operation progresses. This is used to inform the
    client about the result of the operations on each selected entry
    and for returning search continuation results.

    The EntrySelectionPartialResponse MUST be returned by the server

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    in the following cases: 

    a. Immediately after attempting the operation for each entry
    selected by the EntrySelection filter.

    b. The server is unable to search an entry in the scope, at or
    under the baseObject, but can return references to another set of
    servers for continuing the operation.

    The EntrySelectionPartialResponse is returned in a generalized
    "ExtendedPartialResponse". ExtendedPartialResponse is defined in
    the [extpartresp] document as follows:

      ExtendedPartialResponse ::= [ APPLICATION 25 ] SEQUENCE {
          responseName       [0] LDAPOID OPTIONAL,
          response           [1] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL }
    Note: The current version of the [ExtPartResp] draft does not
    define a generalized ExtendedPartialResponse. Work is going on to
    generalize it. This draft assumes a generalized
    ExtendedPartialResponse for its purpose.
    A specific ExtendedPartialResponse for EntrySelection is defined
    from generalized ExtendedPartialResponse as follows:

    The EntrySelectionPartialResponse will be a 'specific' generalized
    ExtendedPartialResponse with the 'responseName' of <toBeDone> and
    the value of 'response' field is an octet string which is the BER
    encoding of the following:

      EntrySelectionPartialResult ::= CHOICE {
        entry              [0] EntryResult,
        searchContinuation [1] SEQUENCE OF LDAPURL
      EntryResult ::= SEQUENCE {
	resultcode             resultCode
        matchedDN              LDAPDN
    resultCode is defined as in RFC 2251 [RFC2251] 4.1.10 for LDAPResult.
6. Semantics of the EntrySelection and EntrySelectionResponse
    The EntrySelection control, will behave like an LDAP search
    operation at the server. The server MUST select all the entries
    that are selected as per the EntrySelection control, before
    starting the modify or delete operation on any of the matched
    entries.  If deleting entries, the server MUST make sure that all
    the child entries in the selected list are processed before their
    parents are processed for deletion. The server SHOULD NOT process
    the entries in such a way that it would orphan the entries.

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                      EntrySelection control for
       LDAP modify and delete on multiple entries, August 2000

    If the condition of the EntryCriterion evaluates to TRUE with
    respect to a given DN (either the base DN if the scope is base, or
    any of the subtree/children DNs if the subtree or onelevel scope
    is set), then the LDAP server should do the modify or the delete
    operation that has been specified in the delete or modify request.
    If the condition evaluates to UNKNOWN or FALSE, then the operation
    MUST NOT be attempted on the corresponding DN.

    If the 'timelimit' in the EntrySelection control is exceeded
    before the search is over, only the entries selected will be
    considered for modification/deletion, and the ModifyResponse or
    DeleteResponse will return a resultCode of 'timeLimitExceeded'. If
    the 'optimeLimit' in the control is exceeded before the whole
    operation (the selection plus the modifies/deletes) is complete,
    then operation will be stopped, and a ModifyResponse or
    DeleteResponse is returned, with resultCode being
    'timeLimitExceeded'. The EntrySelectionPartialResponses that may
    have been received by the client in the latter case will indicate
    to the client that the timeout did not happen during the
    selection, but during the operation.
6.1 Atomicity of the operation and effect of abandon: 
    The modify or delete operation on each selected entry MUST be done
    atomically, but the server NEED NOT ensure that the modify/delete
    operation across all selected entries are done as one atomic
    operation. The atomicity of the entire operation will be the same
    as if a client first did a search, and then based on the entries
    selected, gave a series of modify or delete requests. If a client
    makes changes to some of the entries that are selected by the
    EntrySelection filter, while the operation is in progress, the
    combined result of the operations is undefined.

    The server MUST send extended partial responses for each selected
    entry on which the modify/delete opeation was attempted. If the
    client sends an abandon request in the middle of processing, the
    server MUST stop the processing immediately, including the
    modify/delete on the current entry it was processing. The server
    MUST NOT send a ModifyResponse/DeleteResponse, or an
    EntrySelectionPartialResponse for the current entry in this
    case. The client will be able to find the entries for which the
    operation has been tried, along with the the result of the
    operation, by looking at the EntrySelectionPartialResponses that
    have been received from the server. The client MUST NOT expect
    that the modify/delete operation on all the selected entries will
    be done as one atomic operation.
7. Errors and Return Codes
    If modify or delete operations succeed on all the objects where
    one or more objects are selected, and no timeouts occured, then
    the LDAP operation MUST return a result code of success.

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7.1 Deciding on the return values
    The server MUST decide what values and error codes to return based
    on the decision function below, and on the return values of LDAP
    modify and delete operations. The decision logic to be followed at
    the server end is discussed as a pseudo-code below, and each
    tagged branch (eg. // 7.1.3 ) represents a sub-section describing
    a specific decision that must be followed by the server.

    LDAPopnresult: Result Code for the LDAP operation ( modify or
    delete). This is the value that will be sent in the LDAPResult of
    LDAPResponse. This can be any of the resultcodes specified for
    Modify, Delete and Search operations in [rescodes].
    LDAPopnDN: The DN returned in the LDAPResponse.
    selectResult: The result code for the select operation due to
    EntrySelection control.
    entryResult: The result code associated with each entry for which
    the operation was attempted to be sent in

    entryDN: The DN of the entry on which the modify or delete was

    entry: The entry field in the EntrySelectionPartialResponse

    The following conditions are possible:
    if (baseDN is not available)
      if (there are no referrals) // 7.1.1
        LDAPopnresult = noSuchObject
        LDAPopnDN = BaseDN
        send LDAPResponse
      else (if there are referrals) // 7.1.2
        LDAPopnresult = referral
        referrals field is filled with referral, send LDAPResponse
    else /* baseDN exists */
      while (there are continuation references found during searching) do
        Send the continuation references in 'searchContinuation' // 7.1.3
          in EntrySelectionPartialResponse packets, 
          'entry' field not sent.
      if (search was successful or resulted in
          timeLimitExceeded or adminLimitExceeded) // 7.1.4
	LDAPopnresult = success/timeLimitExceeded/adminLimitExceeded
        if (no entries are returned by the search) // 7.1.5
          send LDAPResponse and return
        else /* Entries are returned by search */
          while (there are entries remaining to be processed) // 7.1.6 

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                      EntrySelection control for
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            process entry named by entryDN
            lasterror = error code returned for operation on entry
            if (adminLimit OR optimeLimit exceeded 
                while in modify/delete) // 7.1.7
              LDAPopnresult = adminLimitExceeded/timeLimitExceeded
              toquit = yes
            else if (lasterror != success AND continueOnError is not set)
                                        // 7.1.8
              toquit = yes
            Fill up an EntrySelectionPartialResponse with
            entry.resultCode = lasterror
            entry.matchedDN = entryDN
            Send EntrySelectionPartialResponse, with entry field, 
              searchContinuation field not sent
            if (toquit == yes) // 7.1.9
          endif /* some entries remaining */
        endif /* Some entries returned by search */
      else /* Search was not successful */ // 7.1.11
        LDAPopnresult = selectResult
        LDAPopnDN = baseDN
      if (LDAPopnresult == success) { // 7.1.12
        LDAPopnresult = lasterror
        if (lasterror required matchedDN to be returned // 7.1.13 
            as per RFC 2251 4.1.10)
          LDAPopnDN = entryDN
      Send ModifyResponse or DeleteResponse with LDAPResult containing
        LDAPopnDN and LDAPopnResult  

    The user can decide to stop on error in modify/delete or can set
    the continueOnError to 1, so that if even an error occurs during
    modify/delete on an entry, the whole operation will still
    continue. Otherwise when the first error occurs, the server MUST
    stop processing the modify or delete for further entries.
    If the number of modifies or deletes possible in a single LDAP
    operation is exceeded, then the server SHOULD return
    adminLimitExceeded(11).  In this case objects should have been
    processed till the error was reached, and the situation is defined
    in 7.1.7.
7.2 Behavior of server with respect to Criticality
    The default behavior in the absence of the Criticality field is
    as if the Criticality field is set to false for the control. If
    the control is not recognized, and the Criticality is set to TRUE,
    then the server MUST return an unavailableCriticalExtension
    result code. If the control is not recognized and the criticality

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    is set to False, then the server should try to perform the
    operation specified on the BaseDN alone and ignore the control. In
    case unavailablecriticalextension is returned, then the server
    should not send any of the EntrySelectionPartialResponses.
8. Making the operation idempotent with respect to retries
    Multi-entry deletions even if done partially (only on a subset of
    all the entries that were selected) will result in idempotent
    retries, because the deleted entries will not be returned by the
    EntrySelection filter the next time.  But in an entry modify, an
    add or a delete value, and or an add or delete attribute could
    cause a AttributeOrValueAlreadyExists or noSuchAttribute, if the
    operation has already been done.
    Example: Let ou=hr,o=org be an organizationalUnit in company org.
    Let cn=jsmith,ou=hr,o=org and cn=mwhite,ou=hr,o=org be two objects
    of class "inetOrgPerson" under this ou.  A multivalued attribute
    "telephoneNumber" and a singlevalued attribute "preferredLanguage"
    are optional attributes for "inetOrgPerson". Let the client
    request, a modify operation on "ou=hr,o=org", with an
    EntrySelection control with the LDAP search filter[RFC 2254]
    "objectclass=inetOrgPerson", be as follows (in [ldif] format):
      dn: ou=hr,o=org
      changetype: modify
      add: telephoneNumber
      telephoneNumber: 801-861-2222
      delete: preferredLanguage
    If the first time around both entries "jsmith" and "mwhite" had
    "preferredLanguage", and the operation failed on "mwhite" but
    succeeded on "jsmith", then when the retry is done the operation
    on "jsmith" would fail due to two reasons:
    i) The value "801-861-2222" for "telephoneNumber" already exists -
    ii) The attribute "preferredLanguage" is already deleted -
    The approach taken here is to let the client's filter take care of
    such conditions creating noSuchAttribute (modify or delete a
    attribute that does not exist), or AttributeOrValueAlreadyExists
    (adding an already existing value to a multivalued attribute or
    adding a single valued attribute which already exists). The
    argument behind this approach is that such conditions could even
    happen the first time around (without a retry), if the entry was
    already in that state.
    In case the client takes care of these two error conditions, the
    client's filter in the EntrySelection should be the equivalent of

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       LDAP modify and delete on multiple entries, August 2000

    so that it can avoid changing the same attributes twice and thus
    getting an error.
    NOTE: There is no [ldif] format available for specifying the
    information in an EntrySelection control yet. These examples are
    not working examples but just to illustrate a situation.

6. Interaction with the TreeDelete control [treedelete]
    If a TreeDelete control is set for a delete operation, then its
    semantics is the same as if an EntrySelection control is sent with
    the search filter being "objectclass=*", and the scope being
    "sub". This similarity is with respect to the functionality of the
    operation, but error handling and behavior with respect to
    referrals etc. may vary. Also, the semantics for partial
    processing of the operation for the EntrySelection control are
    different from the TreeDelete control.
    If both the TreeDelete control and the EntrySelection control are
    present on a given LDAP delete request, then the server SHOULD
    return an LDAP resultcode of unwillingToPerform(53).
7. Security Considerations
    There are no direct security related issues discussed in this
    document. But this control could indirectly cause a server to deny
    service to legitimate clients because of the server being loaded
    by a huge number of modifies and deletes due to this
    control. Administrative limits MAY be set for a given server to
    cope with such situations, and if exceeded the server SHOULD
    return with an adminLimitExceeded error.
8. References
    [RFC 2251]
        M.  Wahl,  T. Howes, S.  Kille,  "Lightweight Directory Access
        Protocol (v3)", RFC 2251, December 1997.
    [RFC 2254]
        T. Howes, "The String  Representation of LDAP Search Filters",
        RFC 2254, December 1997.
    [RFC 2119]
        Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
        Requirement Levels, "RFC 2119, Harvard University, March 1997.
        Mike Just, K. Leclair, Jim Sermersheim, Mark smith, "LDAPv3
        Result Codes: Definitions and Appropriate Use",

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                      EntrySelection control for
       LDAP modify and delete on multiple entries, August 2000

        INTERNET-DRAFT, April 2000, <URL:http://
        Gordon Good, "The LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) -
        Technical Specification", Netscape Communications,
        INTERNET-DRAFT, March 2000, <URL:http://
        M. P.  Armijo, "Tree Delete Control", Microsoft Corporation,
        INTERNET-DRAFT November 12, 1999, <URL:http://
        ( This document is now expired )

    R. Harrison, "Extended Partial Response Protocol Enhancement
    to LDAP v3", Novell Inc., INTERNET-DRAFT June 2000, <URL:http://
9. Acknowledgements
    I sincerely thank Kurt D. Zeilenga who gave such invaluable inputs
    which changed the whole approach of the document from its initial
    version.  I also thank K. K. Subramaniam, VithalPrasad Gaitonde,
    Dinakar Sitaram, and Girish Elchuri who reviewed this document and
    gave their valuable suggestions, and the Novell Standards Board
    for their review.
10. Address
    Haripriya S.
    Novell Inc.
    49/1, 49/3, Garvebhavi Palya,
    7th Mile, Hosur Road,
    Bangalore - 560068
    Phone: +91-80-5721858 Extn:2121
    Email: sharipriya@novell.com

This internet draft expires on 25 February 2001