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Re: new internet draft - LDAP Extensions Style Guide

At 02:19 PM 8/14/00 -0700, Bruce Greenblatt wrote:
>At 12:20 PM 8/14/2000 -0400, Rich Salz wrote:
>>I thought Harald and I had reasonable examples of unsolicited return
>>controls (e.g., "search results not legally binding" and "shift-JIS
>>encoded") that made sense.
>Hmmm... All that I got out of that was that if the client didn't understand the Japanese control then it would be gibberish.  Thus, the client could safely ignore the control... Perhaps we need a new control on the Bind operation that lists the Client's supported controls.  Then, the server is not allowed to send back any unsupported controls.

Why not have the server list the controls in supports in the
Root DSE and have the client solicit which controls it desires
to be returned. 
