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RE: draft-ldapext-cachedresults-00.txt


I find it difficult to imagine a purpose for the proxy you describe. If you
are caching a particular subtree, and the requests generally cover the
subtree, presumably a replica of the subtree would be a better option. The
need to keep track of timestamps also argues for a replica: for every query
on the cache there must be a query on the original server to ascertain the
timestamps. I can't see an efficiency here.

When authentication is also taken into account, the difficulties multiply.
Whether the caching model would remain secure in this context, I believe
that it would be quite difficult to prove it secure. Replication assures
that the security infrastructure is in place whereas your apparently ad hoc
method gives me no confidence.


-----Original Message-----
From: Natarajan S K [mailto:sknatarajan@aztec.soft.net]
Sent: Saturday, 24 June 2000 1:49
To: ietf-ldapext@netscape.com
Subject: draft-ldapext-cachedresults-00.txt

      I am attaching a draft on "Caching model for LDAP". Appreciate if you
can review it and get back with possible comments. 


>  <<cache.txt.txt>>