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RE: clarification: ;binary


Yes, but then string values returned as binary are sent as one octet string
inside another. It simply depends on where you see the value ending and the
LDAP encoding beginning.

If this is what you meant, I'm sorry, but it certainly was not clear from
the context, particularly as you were discussing the wrapping of string
values as octet strings without mentioning that these octet strings would be
wrapped again to form the PDU.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kurt D. Zeilenga [mailto:Kurt@OpenLDAP.org]
Sent: Thursday, 8 June 2000 12:25
To: Ramsay, Ron
Cc: Christopher Oliva; 'LDAP EXT'
Subject: RE: clarification: ;binary

At 11:43 AM 6/8/00 +1000, Ramsay, Ron wrote:
>BER values are NOT wrapped in octet strings.

RFC 2252, 4.3.1  Binary Transfer of Values
   This encoding format is used if the binary encoding is requested by
   the client for an attribute, or if the attribute syntax name is
   "".  The contents of the LDAP
   AttributeValue or AssertionValue field is a BER-encoded instance of
   the attribute value or a matching rule assertion value ASN.1 data
   type as defined for use with X.500. (The first byte inside the OCTET
   STRING wrapper is a tag octet.  However, the OCTET STRING is still
   encoded in primitive form.)