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RE: draft-just-ldapv3-rescodes-01.txt

Hi Kurt,

> A few comments/questions/suggestions based upon a quick read...

Thanks for looking at the document. Comments below.

> Internal Errors: operationsError vs other
>   You have defined operationsError as being used to indicate internal
>   errors?  Is this actually appropriate since operationsErrors are
>   prescribed to be returned in a number of specific situations, such
>   as documented by bind and start tls operations.  I do not believe
>   operationsError should not be used as a catch all for "internal
>   errors".  Instead, I suggested servers return other.

Good point. Your reference to Bind is from Section 4.2.1 of RFC 2251. We'll
have to investigate further to see how we should classify operationsError.

> Precedence?
>   Seems to imply that if multiple errors were detected, that
>   more "specific" should be returned over less "specific" errors.
>   I believe that the most severe error detected be returned.
>   In particular, a protocolError should take precedence over any
>   "specific" error.

At first thought, I would suspect that a protocolError would be detected
before any other condition could be checked. However, each server may decide
on the order in which it will validate the success of a request, and we
certainly didn't include this section to prescribe how a server should
validate a request.

We wanted to include the precedence section since it is in X.511. The
particular example you cite results from our pigeon-holing of protocolError,
which is not included in X.511, as a general error. There may be other
examples though. We've never felt too strongly about a need to keep the
precendence section in any case.  I'll propose that we remove it unless
anyone has a reason for keeping it. 

>   I would also note that a server is not required to detect
>   multiple errors.  It is allowed to return the first error
>   detected.

Yes. That's why it is phrased "in the case that more than one error is
detected".  In any case, as noted above, we'll likely not keep this section.

> Controls
>   No meantion of controls are made.  As controls can significantly
>   change the behavior of operations, it may be appropriate for a
>   control to specify that a result code be returned which would
>   normally returned by the base operation.

Right. We'll make mention of this. Since no specific controls are defined in
RFC 2251, we'll just point the readers to the respective RFCs for details.

> Extended Operations
>   I would suggest adding a sentence to your extended operation
>   section:  Extended Operations MAY return any result code
>   (excepting 81-90).
> API Errors (81-90):
>   A note stating that server MUST NOT return these result codes.

Both of these sound fine.

Mike J.