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Re: Multiple extended responses per request

-----Original Message-----
From: Kurt D. Zeilenga <Kurt@OpenLDAP.Org>
To: ietf-ldapext@netscape.com <ietf-ldapext@netscape.com>
Date: 14 September 1999 17:55
Subject: Re: Multiple extended responses per request

>I think there are likely many operations were it makes
>sense to return multiple responses to one request.  Search
>is one such operation.  There are likely others which make
>as much sense as search.
>A subtree delete is a good example.  Besides returning results
>for each entry deleted, it may need to return references and
>such.  Today, a subtree delete could be implemented using a
>search PDU with a delete control.
>I guess we either live with abuse of the search operation or
>we live with multiple extended responses to a extended request.

To allow multiple responses for extended operations, in a similar way to
search responses would probably mean a modification to the ExtendedResponse
message, to change the eay that the LDAPResult field is included

Steve Fisher

BT Syncordia
