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Re: Question on The Java LDAP Application Program Interface

I want to thank Rob Weltman for all of his help on using the Netscape JDK to do what we wanted.

Sorry, I took this off-line when we started talking about the JDK instead of the internet-draft.

For everyones information future versions of the JDK will support the X- definitions, this is an example of how
the attribute could be handled in future releases.
 There is a complete example of reading and creating schema in the docs.
For example:

             // Add a new object class.
             String[] requiredAttrs = {"cn", "mail"};
             String[] optionalAttrs = {"sn", "phoneNumber"};
             LDAPObjectClassSchema newObjClass = new LDAPObjectClassSchema(
                 "newInetOrgPerson", "", "top", "Experiment",
                 requiredAttrs, optionalAttrs );

   newAttrClass.setQualifier( "X-NDS_LOWER_BOUND", "'2'" );


>>> "Jim Sermersheim" <jimse@novell.com> 07/22/99 02:06PM >>>
It sounds to me like what he wants to do (though I'm not in the office to confirm) is to construct an LDAPAttributeSchema object.  The problem is, The constructor for LDAPAttributeSchema only allows for name, oid, 
description, syntax, and singlevalue.  I think Mark wants to know how to populate the other terms (like the different matching ruls, usage, and most notably the special X- term) defined in rfc2252.

I may be wrong

<<< Rob Weltman   7/21  2:26p >>>

  Could you give an example of what it is you are trying to do - what format you are using that is not working?


Mark Meredith wrote:

> We have been using the Netscape JDK to modify schema and have run into a couple of issues.
> In looking at the Internet-draft of the JAVA LDAP Application Program Interface it does not spell out how to format what we are trying to do.
> I need to include some X-   syntax and the API seems to parse the raw data and not send it on the wire. I did not see
> the X- syntax talked about in the draft?  It did not seem to be part of the structure.
> It seems to me that this draft should include reference to the syntax defined in RFC-2252 and spell out how to format
> the information so that it will be uniform for all impletmentations.
> Does any one know what I am doing wrong, or how to make this work?
> -Mark
> Mark Meredith
> Novell Inc
> 122 E. 1700 S. Provo UT 84606
> mark_meredith@novell.com 
> 801-861-2645
> ---------------------
> A boat in the harbor is safe,
> but that is not what boats are for.
> --John A. Shed
> ---------------------