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RE: ldap PICS

> From:          Harald Alvestrand <Harald.Alvestrand@maxware.no>
> Subject:       RE: ldap PICS

> The IETF equivalent to the ISP is the "MUST", "SHOULD" and "MAY" in the
> standard itself;

This is not quite true. ISO also has SHALL and MAY, SHALL being 
equivalent to IETF MUST. The ISPs are there to sort out which MAYs 
should be implemented and which should be ignored. Consider 93 X.500 
replication - all of it is MAY in the standard. How do you get 
interworking if none of it is mandatory, and the number of options in 
the MAYs is large. Answer, the ISP on replication. This is what ISPs 
are for - to sort out which MAYs to implement, not the SHALLs/MUSTs.

BTW, just what does IETF SHOULD mean - by pure logic if a feature is 
not MUST then it must be MAY, is it not? (Work that one out :-)


David Chadwick
IT Institute, University of Salford, Salford M5 4WT
Tel +44 161 295 5351  Fax +44 161 745 8169
Mobile +44 370 957 287
Email D.W.Chadwick@iti.salford.ac.uk
Home Page  http://www.salford.ac.uk/its024/chadwick.htm
Understanding X.500  http://www.salford.ac.uk/its024/X500.htm
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