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minor comments on caching draft

Here are some early last call comments on the caching draft.  I believe them
to be of a editorial nature. 


The document uses "MAY" but does not reference RFC 2119.

Section 4:

A minor but necessary change: do not have quotes around the SYNTAX OID.  These
quotes were removed from the syntaxes in the core LDAPv3 specs several months
ago when syntax names were changed to OIDs.

Also, since it is stated this is an operational attribute, the definition 
should have USAGE directoryOperation. 

Thus these changes together would read:

   ( NAME 'ttl' EQUALITY integerMatch
     USAGE directoryOperation )

Section 8:

Update bibliography for [ldapv3-1] and [ldapv3-2]; these are now RFCs.

RFC 1279 is the only non-standards-track document referenced.  You may wish to
check that referencing an Experimental RFC will not prevent the document from
proceeding on the standards track.

Mark Wahl, Enterprise Directory Integration
Critical Angle Inc.