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Re: IESG ldapbis-protocol comment

At 02:05 PM 7/6/2005, Jim Sermersheim wrote:
>My last question had to do with the fact that the ASN.1 modules I've seen typically use a form analogous to this {joint-iso-ccitt ds(5) module(1) directoryAbstractService(2) 2}. Do we want IANA to use that form? Will a dotted-numeric OID work for ASN.1 tools?

Okay, to make it easier on IANA/RFC-Editor/Us, use:


>>>> "Kurt D. Zeilenga" <Kurt@OpenLDAP.org> 7/6/05 2:27:09 PM >>>
>At 01:03 PM 7/6/2005, Jim Sermersheim wrote:
>>Sounds good to me. I assume it just looks like this as the first line of the full ASN.1:
>>Lightweight-Directory-Access-Protocol-V3 {<IANA-ASSIGNED-ASN.1-OID>}
>>and then this addition to the IANA considerations:
>>It is requested that the IANA update the occurrence of <IANA-ASSIGNED-ASN.1-OID> in Appendix B with an object identifier in order to facilitate IMPORTS by other ASN.1 modules
>I suggest:
>It is requested that IANA assign upon Standards Action an LDAP
>Object Identifier [BCP64bis] to identify the ASN.1 module
>defined in this document.
>Subject: Request for LDAP Object Identifier Registration
>Person & email address to contact for further information:
>Jim Sermersheim < <mailto:jimse@novell.com>jimse@novell.com >
>Specification: RFC XXXX
>Author/Change Controller: IESG
>Identifies the LDAP ASN.1 module
>[[Note to RFC Editor: please replace the occurrence of
><IANA-ASSIGNED-ASN.1-OID> in Appendix B with the IANA
>assigned OID.]]
>That is, a) request IANA make the assignment, b) request the
>RFC Editor to use the assigned OID.
>>I'm not sure if we need to provide IANA with guidance as to the arc used to allocate the OID, and/or guidance on the format of the OID.
>The suggested text specifically requests an LDAP OID be assigned
>under BCP64(bis) procedures.
>>>>> "Kurt D. Zeilenga" < <mailto:Kurt@OpenLDAP.org>Kurt@OpenLDAP.org > 6/30/05 8:22:51 PM >>>
>>One of the IESG comments is:
>>> It is recommended that ASN.1 module be named by ab object identifier
>>> so that it can be unambiguously referenced from other modules. This
>>> facilitates IMPORT by other ASN.1 modules of the types defined here.
>>> IANA can assign the ASN.1 module object identifier. 
>>We should likely do this. Aside from the ASN.1 work, we'll
>>need to add an IANA Consideration to get the OID.