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Re: IESG ldapbis-protocol comment

Sounds good to me. I assume it just looks like this as the first line of the full ASN.1:
Lightweight-Directory-Access-Protocol-V3 {<IANA-ASSIGNED-ASN.1-OID>}

and then this addition to the IANA considerations:
It is requested that the IANA update the occurrence of <IANA-ASSIGNED-ASN.1-OID> in Appendix B with an object identifier in order to facilitate IMPORTS  by other ASN.1 modules

I'm not sure if we need to provide IANA with guidance as to the arc used to allocate the OID, and/or guidance on the format of the OID.


>>> "Kurt D. Zeilenga" <Kurt@OpenLDAP.org> 6/30/05 8:22:51 PM >>>

One of the IESG comments is:
> It is recommended that ASN.1 module be named by ab object identifier
> so that it can be unambiguously referenced from other modules. This
> facilitates IMPORT by other ASN.1 modules of the types defined here.
> IANA can assign the ASN.1 module object identifier. 

We should likely do this. Aside from the ASN.1 work, we'll
need to add an IANA Consideration to get the OID.

