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Re: Requesting individual schema elements

At 07:09 PM 2/4/2005, Jim Sermersheim wrote:
>You mean RFC 3687, but I don't think that's what he was asking for.

I meant RFC 3876.

>He wants (if I understand correctly), to have only one value of one attribute be returned ? specifically, the value that matched the query. Exactly what MatchedValues was for.

See RFC 3876.

>Probably not an ldapbis topic.


>>>> "Kurt D. Zeilenga" <Kurt@OpenLDAP.org> 2/4/05 10:13:35 AM >>>
>At 12:26 AM 2/4/2005, Vithalprasad Gaitonde wrote:
>>Is there a mechanism by which an ldap client can request for a specific
>>schema element (attributetype, objectclass etc) using the OID or the
>>textual name of the element.
>See RFC 3876.