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Re: derefInSearching (was Re: protocol-27 comments #3)

Lost. After updating with the proposed text, I didn't respond to your suggestions below.
I agree with the first suggestion. All alias dereferencing should dereference recursively, and all should employ loop detection.
I don't see text like "The filter is applied to the dereferenced object(s).". I'm not sure what you're saying here.

>>> Hallvard B Furuseth <h.b.furuseth@usit.uio.no> 12/7/04 2:01:43 PM >>>
This was either lost or ignored - maybe deservedly so. If nobody
replies, I'll consider the issue dead. (As I note below, it still seems
to say dereferencing the base object is not recursive, but OTOH I don't
expect anyone to misunderstand.)

Hallvard B Furuseth writes:
>Jim Sermersheim writes:
>>>>> Hallvard B Furuseth < h.b.furuseth@usit.uio.no > 11/8/04 5:59:28 AM
>>>> derefInSearching: While searching, dereference any alias entry
>>>> subordinate to the base object which is also in the search
>>>> scope. The filter is applied to the dereferenced object(s). If
>>>> the search scope is wholeSubtree, the search continues in the
>>>> subtree of any dereferenced object. Aliases in that subtree are
>>>> also dereferenced.
>>> This seems to say that recursive dereferencing stops at alias entries
>>> that are not subordinate to the base object, and that onelevel
>>> searches do not recursively dereference aliases.
>> How's this:
>> While searching subordinates of the base object, dereference any alias
>> within the search scope (the act of dereferencing an alias includes
>> recursively dereferencing aliases which refer to aliases). Dereferenced
>> objects become the vertices of further search scopes where the Search
>> operation continues. If the search scope is wholeSubtree, the Search
>> continues in the subtree(s) of any dereferenced object. If the search
>> scope is singleLevel, the search is applied to any dereferenced objects,
>> and is not applied to their subordinates.
> I want to mix the old text with your new text, but I'm not sure how...
> Suggestions:
> Move the part about aliasing being recursive directly under
> derefAliases. Move up 'Servers MUST detect looping...' as well.
> It was perhaps unfortunate to have 'The filter is applied to the
> dereferenced object(s).' _before_ saying that a subtree search
> continues, but OTOH 'Aliases in that subtree are also dereferenced'
> seems worth keeping.
