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Re: ListMatch Clarification

> caseIgnoreListSubstringsMatch has the same basic substrings
> semantics as caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch.  Instead of matching
> against a single directory string, the former matches against
> a list of directory strings (lines).  The initial substring, if
> asserted, must match the beginning of the first line.  The
> final substring, if asserted, must match the end of the last
> line.  Each any substrings match in between.  The matched
> portions must not overlap each other, must not span lines,
> and must appear in the same order as the substrings.  Multiple
> matched portions, however, may be in the same line... and
> some lines may have no matched portions.

Ok so, caseIgnoreListSubstringsMatch is no different than
caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch -except- for:

A. the list is effectively concatenated into one line
B. there are "markers" where there were line breaks that no single pattern
   can cross
C. \'s and $'s are handled so that they can be escaped out

Does that sound right?


\ \\\      Daniel Henninger           http://www.vorpalcloud.org/        /// /
 \_\\\      North Carolina State University - Systems Programmer        ///_/
    \\\                   Information Technology <IT>                  ///