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Re: ListMatch Clarification

=)  Ok, I hushed up briefly to let all the responses come in and level
off.  So one important thing I am to understand is that * is not
'wildcard', instead it means:

Foo*      Foo is at the beginning of the line
*Foo      Foo is at the end of the line
*Foo*     Foo is somewhere in the line

Is this correct?  So they are not necessarily treated as wild cards
(though they behave similarly)?

I am still not clear on *Foo*Raleigh*.  Is that equal to:

or is it 'split up' and equal more to:

if the latter is the case, which one wins?

If the former is the case, if I wanted to search for Foo anywhere in a
line plus Raleigh at the beginning of a line, would I need to do:
*Foo* Raleigh*
(ie, have a space separator?)

Anyway, for the List match aspect, do you just try to match each piece and
if all of the pieces match, then you have a list match?  Like you would go
through looking for a match for *Foo*.  When you found it, move in to
the Raleigh part and continue on looking for it.  If you find the Raleigh
part, great, you have a match.  Otherwise, nope?


\ \\\      Daniel Henninger           http://www.vorpalcloud.org/        /// /
 \_\\\      North Carolina State University - Systems Programmer        ///_/
    \\\                   Information Technology <IT>                  ///