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Re: authmeth-09 comments

At 12:13 AM 2/16/2004, Roger Harrison wrote:
>Is your concern regarding the lack of attention to the tables directed to WG members in general or from me?

I am particularly concerned that the tables are not getting adequate
review by WG members.  I ask that reviewers pay particular attention
to these tables and specifically comment on their soundness.  (Please
comment as I previously requested.)

>I reworked the tables completely for the -09 draft and feel quite confident that they are much better than they have ever been before. I would appreciate some more eyes on them at this point, but I reviewed every production in the tables for the -09 draft.
>>>> "Kurt D. Zeilenga" <Kurt@OpenLDAP.org> 1/8/2004 5:45:45 PM >>>
>I believe some find the table useful. Personally, I worry that the
>table might not accurately reflect the prose. (As co-chair, I'm
>concerned by the lack of attention the tables are getting.)