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Spaces in Delivery Method, Enhanced Guide and Guide

draft-ietf-ldapbis-syntaxes-02.txt says:

> 3.5  Delivery Method
>      (...)
>      delivery-value = pdm / ( whsp pdm space "$" space delivery-value )
                                ^^^^     ^^^^^     ^^^^^

Why can there be a whitespace in front of a delivery-value?  And since
it can be, why not in front of a single pdm as well?  Also, why are the
spaces around '$' mandatory (instead of 'whsp')?

> 3.10  Enhanced Guide
>      (...)
>      EnhancedGuide = space oid whsp "#" whsp criteria whsp "#" 
>                      whsp subset

Why does it start with space?  That doesn't seem to accomplish anything.

> 3.14  Guide
>      (...)
>      object-class = space oid
Again, why the initial space?

('space' = mandatory space(s), 'whsp' = optional space(s).)
