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Re: short names (descriptors) proposal


I like the approach you've outlined.

Regarding the use of the same name for an attribute type and an object
class - I agree that it should be "discouraged".  I don't think the
specifications need to explicitly DIS-allow it.

Tim Hahn

Internet: hahnt@us.ibm.com
Internal: Timothy Hahn/Durham/IBM@IBMUS
phone: 919.224.1565     tie-line: 8/687.1565
fax: 919.224.2540

                      Michael Ströder                                                                                                     
                      <michael@stroeder.co        To:       "Kurt D. Zeilenga" <Kurt@OpenLDAP.org>                                        
                      m>                          cc:       ietf-ldapbis@OpenLDAP.org                                                     
                      Sent by:                    Subject:  Re: short names (descriptors) proposal                                        
                      11/01/2002 03:42 PM                                                                                                 

Kurt D. Zeilenga wrote:
> I suggest replacing the existing [Models, Section 6.2] text with:
>   Short names (descriptors) used to identify various schema elements
>   SHOULD be registered unless in private-use name space (e.g.,
>   "x-").  Names used to identify elements defined in RFCs MUST be
>   registered.
>   Procedures for registering short names are detailed in BCP 64
>   [RFC3383].

Just a question:
Is it allowed (and your intention) that different schema element types
the same name? E.g. an object class and an attribute type both registered
with name 'fooBar'?

Ciao, Michael.