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DN short name registry (Re: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-ldapbis-iana-09.txt)

At 12:41 PM 2002-08-09, David Chadwick wrote:
>"Kurt D. Zeilenga" wrote:
>> This revision includes a discoverable "Protocol Mechanisms"
>> registry for Extended Operations, Controls, and such.  This
>> addition was requested by the IESG, so I suspect they will
>> approve -09 quickly (since -08 had been previously approved).
>There is still the ongoing discussion about the registration and use of
>further DN strings for use by PKIX. If iana-09 goes to RFC, saying that
>the Directory System Names registry is no longer needed, what effect
>will this have on the discussion?


The LDAPv2 DN keyword registry ("Directory System Names")
[RFC1777] cannot be reused for LDAPv3 DN name strings as
v2 keywords differ in syntax from v3 name strings.  For,
example, "h i s t o r i c" is a valid LDAPv2 keyword
but not a valid LDAPv3 name string.  And "L-D-A-P-v-3"
is a valid LDAPv3 name, but not a valid LDAPv2 keyword.

If this WG determines that a registry approach is best,
it should either reuse the "Object Identifier Descriptor"
registry [draft-ietf-ldapbis-iana] or establish a new registry
specifically for LDAPv3 DN string names.

At IETF#54, I noted that I am drafting a proposal which
is registry-based.  In particular, it's based upon the
"Object Identifier Descriptor" registry.  I comment on
this separately.  I hope to have this draft ready for
your review shortly (and the WG's review shortly thereafter).
