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Re: Component Matching Rules

At 12:51 PM 4/30/01, Kathy Dally wrote:
>In RFC 2252, the integerFirstComponentMatch and
>objectIdentifierFirstComponentMatch matching rules are limited to
>matching subschema attributes.

No.  These are general matching rules.  RFC 2252 only requires
that they be implemented servers "which allow subschema entries
to be modified by clients", but they may be supported by any
implementation for any attribute of suitable syntax.

>Two questions:
>        1.  Why limited to subschema attributes?  

They aren't.

>        2.  Why isn't the directoryStringFirstComponentMatch in LDAP?  
>Although none of the attributes specified for LDAPv3 have it as a
>matching rule...

Likely this is the reason.

I believe the additional of such schema elements for LDAPv3 is an
area for future standardization (e.g., not by LDAPbis).  Currently
such standardization is being pursued on an individual basis within
the IETF (see draft-zeilenga-ldap-user-schema-00.txt).
