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RE: When to not deref aliases

>>> "Kurt D. Zeilenga" <Kurt@OpenLDAP.org> 1/16/01 10:02:19 AM >>>
>At 09:02 AM 1/16/01 -0700, Jim Sermersheim wrote:
>>I don't think it's it's implied across the board.
>>It's explicit for some operations.
>Which is why I believe dereferencing is disallowed otherwise...
>However, I agree that both interpretations are reasonable and
>we need to got down to one interpretation.
>When choosing one over the other, besides looking at the
>technical merits of each, we should consider which interpretations
>have been implemented and demonstrated interoperability.
>In this case, I believe that aliases should not be dereferenced
>in absence of a operation field (or control) specify the behavior
>is a reasonable interpretation, a sound technical approach, is
>widely implemented, and has demonstrated interoperability.

When we fall back on operational experience, I think it's important that we hear from more than two vendors. I know Novell's behavior is to not dereference anything except when told to do so in the search operation. I assume the same is true for OpenLDAP. I don't know about any other implementations.

It'd be nice to have a group of representatives (one from each vendor that wishes to participate) that can give a canonical yes/no/otherwise when polling the implemented behavior of these types of things. Those representatives should be able to research and respond to questions within a reasonable time frame (under 1 week I would hope). I'll leave it up to the chairs as to whether or not they want to formalize such a thing.

Until then, I'm uncomfortable in making an editorial change based on the knowledge that Novell and OpenLDAP have implemented this particular behavior the same. I haven't heard anything from X.500 vendors as to what their interpretation is either.
