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Re: I-D ACTION:draft-zeilenga-ldapbis-rfc2253-01.txt

>>> "Kurt D. Zeilenga" <Kurt@OpenLDAP.org> 10/30/00 7:53:43 PM >>>
>Something like:
>      string            = *( stringchar | pair )
>      special           = "#" / "=" / " " / escaped
>      escaped           = "," / "+" / """ / "<" /  ">" / ";" /
>      pair              = ESC ( ESC / special / hexpair )
>      stringchar        = <any character except one of escaped or ESC>
I think this catches the spirit of it. It now allows all permissable forms, but it doesn't convey *what* the special uses of "#" " " and "=" are. For example, I could read the BNF and form a DN like below and expect it to work:
I think the BNF should state where the special characters need to be escaped and where they don't.