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Re: Multiple Databases and Referrals

At 09:33 AM 2002-08-24, Ace Suares wrote:
>> >In the top level database (suffix: application=cc)
>> >using -M succeeded in entering referrals as well as regular entries.
>> >Should -M be used with ldif files which contain ONLY referrals, or 
>> >can it be mixed ?
>> As I indicated above, use -M when adding referrals.
>> Don't use -M when adding entries to the DIT.
>I now seperated referrals and regular entries as per your 
>Entering the following DN to the database is no problem:
>        dn: oc=isp001,application=cc
>        objectClass: referral
>        ref: ldap://,application=cc
>But, the following complains about a missing parent:
>        dn: auth=admin,oc=isp001,application=cc
>        objectClass: referral
>        ref: ldap://,oc=isp001,application=cc

Have you added the regular entry "oc=isp001,application=cc" yet?

When you add a referral object named X to the superior database,
you should also add X to the subordinate database.
