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Problem with ldapsearch

Hi All,

my problem is that I want to use the ldapsearch command my command is :

ldapsearch -x -b 'o=intern' '(objectclass=*)' 

<output shell>
version: 2

# filter: (objectclass=*)
# requesting:ALL

# search result 
search 2
result: 32 No such object

# numResponses: 1
</output shell>

access control in slapd.conf:

access to dn="cn=admin,o=iqdoq"
	by none

access to attr=userpassword
	by self write
	by dn="cn=admin,o=iqdoq" write
	by * compare

I have read in a book when these accesscontrols do not match the
defaultaccess is activated (read => compare and search).
Can anybody help me what's going wrong . 

Thanks in advance
