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RE: Fwd: Is there a need for OpenLDAP?

Is this something related to OpenLDAP software?  This list is not
really meant to discuss news articles or commentary about OpenLDAP 
is it?

Tomás V. Arredondo
Member of Technical Staff
Unisphere Networks
7800 Congress Ave., Suite 100, Boca Raton, Fl 33487
Tel.(561)981-7051, Fax.(561)981-7001

-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Palmer [mailto:mjp16@ieee.uow.edu.au]
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 2:34 AM
To: Kevin J. Menard, Jr.
Cc: Jim Willeke; openldap-software@OpenLDAP.org
Subject: Re: Fwd: Is there a need for OpenLDAP?

On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, Kevin J. Menard, Jr. wrote:

[Abysmal OpenLDAP commentary snipped for sanity]

> Just my $.02 here, but this author seems pretty brain-dead to me.  By
> this author's logic, all OSS should stop its efforts in favor of
> existing commercial implementations, and should rather work to fully
> implement the commercial version.  Heh, isn't that why most people go
> with OSS in the first place, to get rid of the commercial version?

I think so.  I just loved how he rabbited on about how he hated OSS and
thought that the sun shone out of commercial offerings.  He also likes MS,
obviously, because (AFAIK) all his suggestions were Wintel beasts. 
Certainly I don't think any *one* of the products he mentioned would run on
all of the possible HW/OS combos that OpenLDAP does.  That means, of course,
that if you want to deploy several LDAP servers on heterogeneous hardware,
you've got to purchase (huh?  pay for software?  Not in my conceptual
dictionary, unfortunately) and learn several different products, of varying
(although uniformly crap, no doubt) quality - assuming you can get an LDAP
server for your platform of choice.

Basically, this guy is just a braindead Jesse Berst clone who should have
been drowned at birth.

> Sorry, maybe I'm just venting, but it amazes me how some people become
> writers for technical columns.

Those who can, do, those who can't, teach, and those who can't teach, write.

No offense to any journos or educational professionals out there.  You know
what I mean, don't get picky.

> Kurt and crew, please keep up the great work.

Indeed.  OpenLDAP has it's problems, but they're problems that I didn't (and
don't have to) pay for, and what's more I can fix them if I find them.  So
far, however, the only problem's I've found are my own.

#include <disclaimer.h>
Matthew Palmer