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Re: Antw: Re: Openldap support SHA-256 or SHA-3.

--On Wednesday, January 15, 2020 8:00 AM +0100 Ulrich Windl <Ulrich.Windl@rz.uni-regensburg.de> wrote:

Then the application is dependent on clear text passwords, not hashed
passwords, and again is irrelevant to this discussion.

If it were cleartext, there would not be issues with the hash algorithm
used IMHO.
No, we were talking about SSHA and sucessors.

Then any such application is bound to fail now, as people are already free (and already do) use other mechansisms than SSHA to hash their passwords with LDAP. Also, such an application again has zero to do with the OS, which was your contention to start with.



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Product Architect
Symas Corporation
Packaged, certified, and supported LDAP solutions powered by OpenLDAP: