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Re: accesslog database: overflow or data rotation?

Le mer. 15 mai 2019 11:37, Dieter Kluenter <dieter@dkluenter.de> a écrit :
Manuela Mandache <manuela.mandache.mm@gmail.com> writes:

> Le mar. 14 mai 2019 19:31, Quanah Gibson-Mount <quanah@symas.com> a écrit :
>  --On Tuesday, May 14, 2019 8:03 PM +0200 Dieter Kluenter
>  <dieter@dkluenter.de> wrote:
>  >> olcDbMaxSize defined for this database? Thanks!
>  >
>  > Depending on the number of operations you may set logpurge to a
>  > appropriate value.
>  Yeah, I think the question is, what happens if you have so many operations
>  in an <interval> that it maxes out the DB, where the interval is smaller
>  than the logpurge interval.
> Hi all,
> Thank you Quanah for your answers (and Dieter too, it seems :)). This was indeed the question.
>  But it's a good point, one could (if using
>  cn=config) do an on-the-fly modification of the logpurge interval so that
>  the DB gets purged more frequently to accomodate the rate of change.
>  --Quanah
> Would a small logpurge interval strongly influence the system's performance?
> If it would, a both ways on-the-fly change based on automatic watch of
> the actual size of the accesslog database
> might be interesting if the high rate writes are a seldom event.
> If it wouldn't, setting a small enough interval from the beggining would do the trick.

It all depends on the syncrepl intervals. The logpurge interval should
consider the timegap between 2 synchronization operations.

Actually, the replication is in refreshAndPersist mode.

It is hard to
say to what extend performance will be influenced, you should find out
yourself and set the system optimum, it might vary between a few ours
and a few days.

Thanks again,
