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RE: Password policy messages - how can I pass back

I looked at the slapo-ppolicy man page. It's a shame ppolicy doesn't have 
something like the following from the chain overlay:

chain-return-error {FALSE|true}
              In case referral chasing fails, the real error is returned 
instead of the orig‐
              inal referral.  In case multiple referral URIs  are  present, 
only  the  first
              error  is returned.  This behavior may not be always 
appropriate nor desirable,
              since failures in referral chasing might be better resolved by 
the client (e.g.
              when caused by distributed authentication issues).

Jason Trupp
Symas Corporation
(855) LDAP-GUY

-----Original Message-----
From: openldap-technical [mailto:openldap-technical-bounces@openldap.org] On 
Behalf Of Ervin Hegedüs
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2018 1:16 PM
To: openldap-technical@openldap.org
Subject: Password policy messages - how can I pass back

Hi there,

there is a password policy external module with this config:

dn: cn=default,ou=pwpolicies,dc=hu
cn: default
objectClass: pwdPolicy
objectClass: pwdPolicyChecker
objectClass: device
pwdAllowUserChange: TRUE
pwdInHistory: 5
pwdMinLength: 10
pwdAttribute: userPassword
pwdCheckQuality: 1
pwdCheckModule: pwdCheckModule-poc.so

I've grabbed this source:


Everything works as well: I can change the password with ldappasswd tool, or 
ldap_exop() in PHP - the policy check works in both cases.

I just have one question: is there any way to send back to the client the 
error message?

I mean:

# /usr/bin/ldappasswd -H ldaps://dev-ldap-01 -w "secret" -D 
"UID="dminuser,dc=hu" -s "abcdefghijkl" "uid=airween,ou=Users,dc=hu"
Result: Constraint violation (19)

There isn't any detailed information, what's the reason why the policy 
module drops the request, but I can see that in the logfile:

Oct 10 20:05:21 dev-ldap-01 slapd[16312]: check_password_quality: module 
error: (pwdCheckModule-poc.so) Passwords less than 16 characters require at 
least 3 traits (upper case, lower case, digits, or special characters).[1] 
Oct 10 20:05:21 dev-ldap-01 slapd[16312]: send_ldap_result: conn=1742 op=1 
p=3 Oct 10 20:05:21 dev-ldap-01 slapd[16312]: send_ldap_result: err=19 
matched="" text="Passwords less than 16 characters require at least 3 traits 
(upper case, lower case, digits, or special characters)"

It would be very good to catch this message at client side.

Is it possible?

Note, that in PHP side I'm using:

ldap_get_option($ldapconn, LDAP_OPT_DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE, $_err);

and $_err variable is empty.

When I send the old password, which exists in history, I got:

ldappasswd -H ldaps://... ... ... -s "oldpasswd" "uid=airween,..."
Result: Constraint violation (19)
Additional info: Password is not being changed from existing value

in PHP:

"Password is not being changed from existing value"

In syslog I can see:

Oct 10 20:09:36 dev-ldap-01 slapd[16312]: send_ldap_result: err=19 
matched="" text="Password is not being changed from existing value"
Oct 10 20:09:36 dev-ldap-01 slapd[16312]: send_ldap_extended: err=19 oid= 
len=0 Oct 10 20:09:36 dev-ldap-01 slapd[16312]: send_ldap_response: msgid=2 
tag=120 err=19 Oct 10 20:09:36 dev-ldap-01 slapd[16312]: conn=1743 op=1 
RESULT oid= err=19 text=Password is not being changed from existing value

Should I fill some member of Entry struct in 3rd argument in policy module?

int check_password (char *pPasswd, char **ppErrStr, Entry *pEntry) 

