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Re: Password policy messages - how can I pass back

Le 10/10/2018 à 20:16, Ervin Hegedüs a écrit :
> Hi there,


> I mean:
> # /usr/bin/ldappasswd -H ldaps://dev-ldap-01 -w "secret" -D "UID="dminuser,dc=hu" -s "abcdefghijkl" "uid=airween,ou=Users,dc=hu" 
> Result: Constraint violation (19)
> There isn't any detailed information, what's the reason why the
> policy module drops the request, but I can see that in the logfile:
> Oct 10 20:05:21 dev-ldap-01 slapd[16312]: check_password_quality: module error: (pwdCheckModule-poc.so) Passwords less than 16 characters require at least 3 traits (upper case, lower case, digits, or special characters).[1]
> Oct 10 20:05:21 dev-ldap-01 slapd[16312]: send_ldap_result: conn=1742 op=1 p=3
> Oct 10 20:05:21 dev-ldap-01 slapd[16312]: send_ldap_result: err=19 matched="" text="Passwords less than 16 characters require at least 3 traits (upper case, lower case, digits, or special characters)"

With LDAP clients like ldappasswd, you need to send the ppolicy client
control with "-e ppolcy"

> Note, that in PHP side I'm using:
> ldap_get_option($ldapconn, LDAP_OPT_DIAGNOSTIC_MESSAGE, $_err);
> and $_err variable is empty.

This should be possible in PHP 7.3, see

Clément Oudot | Identity Solutions Manager


Worteks | https://www.worteks.com